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Understanding Different Types of Door Locks

As a homeowner or someone who is responsible for the security of a building, one of the most important things you need to prioritize is the installation of a solid and reliable door lock. With countless options available in the market, choosing the right lock can be a challenging task. However, with a little understanding of the different types of door locks, you can make an informed decision that will keep your property safe and secure. This blog post will explore some of the most common types of door locks used today.


Deadbolts are the most basic and popular type of door locks. They are comprised of a solid metal bolt that protrudes from the lock and fits into a hole in the door frame. Deadbolts come in two types - single and double. Single-cylinder deadbolts use a key on one side and a thumb turn on the other side. On the other hand, double-cylinder deadbolts require a key on both sides. Although double-cylinder deadbolts provide enhanced security, they may not be suitable in areas where a quick exit is required in case of an emergency.

Smart Locks

Smart locks are the latest addition to the door lock family. These locks use Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or Z-wave technology to allow the homeowner to lock and unlock the door using a smartphone or a designated code. Smart locks offer the benefit of being able to monitor who enters and exits the property. In addition, some models allow you to create temporary codes to grant access to guests or service providers. It's important to note, however, that smart locks may be a bit more expensive compared to other types of locks, and they rely on a reliable internet connection to function correctly.

Knob Locks

Knob locks are the most common type of door locks that are installed on interior doors. These locks have a knob on one side of the door and a lock cylinder on the other side. While knob locks are popular choices, they are not the most secure because the lock cylinder is in the knob and not the door. As a result, they are susceptible to break-ins or forced entry using tools such as pliers or hammers.

Lever Handle Lock

This type of lock is commonly used in commercial settings but can also be seen in residential buildings. Lever handle locks are easier to operate compared to knob locks, especially for people with disabilities or older adults. Lever handle locks can either have a key unlock or have a combination code. Like smart locks, it is also essential to note that lever handle locks depend on a reliable internet connection or a power source for advanced features such as remote access.

For more information about various door locks, reach out to a local service.
